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Monday 23 January 2017

Some Common Signs To Prove That You Are In Love

Some Common Signs To Prove That You Are In Love

Are you dreaming day-dreaming about a person? Are you feeling restless? Are you not able to concentrate on anything? Are you feeling like an insomniac? Then, my dear, I must tell you are madly in love. Yes, these are the signs that show that you are missing someone and that someone is your love. Love like an accident, it just happens without giving any prior notice any time and at any place. Want to be sure whether you are in love or not? Then, read some of the signs that prove you are madly and truly in love:-

Sign 1: - Checking Your Phone Again and Again
If you are checking your phone every passing second just with thought that it might have some missed call, or message or whatsapp from him/her. If you are expecting a text or call, from him/her. If the sound or ringing of your phone sends tingles down your spine. Then, my dear, you are in love.

Sign 2: - Everything Connects To Him/Her
Whether you are passing by a coffee shop and imagine that you both were here or you are shopping thinking that he/she was here with you. No matter what, everywhere you go, you think of him/her. The person is just controlling your mind 24/7 and you think about them all the time, even if you try harder not to think. This shows that you are in love.

Sign 3: - Reread Hi/Her Texts
It is very common sign that you keep on reading his/her texts not once, but many times with a sweet smile always on your face. Even when you are feeling low you simply keep on reading his/ her old conversations to cheer up your mood.

Sign 4: - Curious To Know Him/Her
You are interested in every small detail about them being it their childhood, their family, their favorite things, their best memories and so on. You are endlessly curious to learn every stuff about him/her.

Sign 5:- Always Talk About Him/Her
You just can't help about just talking about them all the time. You talk about them incessantly be it your friends, vendor, gardener or any random person.

Sign 6: - You Can Do Anything To Spend Time With Them
You can jump out of your way to spend time with them. You can drive an hour just to have a glance of him/her or just to spend 2 minutes with them. Even you can change your whole schedule to have a coffee with him or her. Very small conversation with him/her can make your whole day and smiling inside for the whole day. No matter how boring it is or how much you'd normally hate to do certain things, but you still choose to do it to spend time with him/her like going to the supermarket just to buy grocery for them.

Sign 7: - Getting Butterflies in Your Stomach
You find yourself goofily smiling alone when you think about him/ her. Just the thought about them gives you the butterflies in your stomach and that butterflies in your stomach are going crazy. That is a clear sign that you are madly in truly in love.

Sign 8: - No Amount Of Time Spend With Him/She is Enough
Even if you spend hours talking to each other on calls or either meeting for hours, then also at the end of the day it feels like you spent only a few hours with him/her. It always feels like "it's never enough." This crazy feeling is love.

Sign 9: - You Are Always Active
You feel more alive, productive and energetic all through the day like you just had an energy booster. This natural energy boost that lifts your mood and gets you excited through the day making you feel like you can conquer the world. This is a clear sign of you are in love.

Sign 10: - Fun Talking To Him/Her
You are always delighted to have a conversation with him/her no matter what the topic is all about. Even the most boring an uneventful stuff suddenly becomes Exciting, engaging and interesting.

Sign 11: - Talk About Anything
This is very true if you are comfortable talking to him about any damn thing on earth then you are madly in love. There is only one person we will comfortable talking about every kind of stuff and that person is our one and only love. We don't need to rethink before talking.

Sign 12: - Day Dreaming About Him/Her
When you are at work or with family or have more important things to do, you simply day dream about him/her and not able to concentrate on anything, but them. You can't even help it, it's like you're in this daydream where it's just you and him/her in the world.

Sign 13: - You Get Defensive
When Someone is Negative About Him/Her, when anyone tries to say anything against him/her or try to be negative for them, then you get defensive for them and tries to protect them. This feeling to protect him/her always is love.

Sign 14:- Not Interested in Other Guys
Earlier you used to stalk the guys/ girls around you, be out now even if your crush or favorite actor/actress comes you don't have the same heart-stopping reaction you would have before. You do not feel any kind of attraction for them like before and all you think about is him/her. This is true love.

Sign 15:- Always Happy
You are always happy no matter what. Things that used to annoy you earlier don't seem to bother you at all now. This is a beautiful kind of happiness from inside that you have never experienced before. You feel giddy and lighthearted for no apparent reason at all.

Sign 16: - Remember Every Detail About Him/Her 
You always mark and remember every small detail about him/her i.e. when you first met, when you first dated, etc. The little moments with him become more special and cherished memories. You also notice the random things he likes like his favorite color, food, place, movie, etc

After reading these signs if you realize that it is happening with you then, my dear you are in truly and madly in Love.


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