Arlen Specter

There's nothing more important than our good health - that's our principal capital asset.

John Keats

A thing of beauty is a joy forever; its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness.

Jim Rohn

Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live.

Coco Chanel

You can be gorgeous at thirty, charming at forty, and irresistible for the rest of your life.

Tom Stoppard

A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.


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Monday 23 January 2017

Some Common Signs To Prove That You Are In Love

Some Common Signs To Prove That You Are In Love

Are you dreaming day-dreaming about a person? Are you feeling restless? Are you not able to concentrate on anything? Are you feeling like an insomniac? Then, my dear, I must tell you are madly in love. Yes, these are the signs that show that you are missing someone and that someone is your love. Love like an accident, it just happens without giving any prior notice any time and at any place. Want to be sure whether you are in love or not? Then, read some of the signs that prove you are madly and truly in love:-

Sign 1: - Checking Your Phone Again and Again
If you are checking your phone every passing second just with thought that it might have some missed call, or message or whatsapp from him/her. If you are expecting a text or call, from him/her. If the sound or ringing of your phone sends tingles down your spine. Then, my dear, you are in love.

Sign 2: - Everything Connects To Him/Her
Whether you are passing by a coffee shop and imagine that you both were here or you are shopping thinking that he/she was here with you. No matter what, everywhere you go, you think of him/her. The person is just controlling your mind 24/7 and you think about them all the time, even if you try harder not to think. This shows that you are in love.

Sign 3: - Reread Hi/Her Texts
It is very common sign that you keep on reading his/her texts not once, but many times with a sweet smile always on your face. Even when you are feeling low you simply keep on reading his/ her old conversations to cheer up your mood.

Sign 4: - Curious To Know Him/Her
You are interested in every small detail about them being it their childhood, their family, their favorite things, their best memories and so on. You are endlessly curious to learn every stuff about him/her.

Sign 5:- Always Talk About Him/Her
You just can't help about just talking about them all the time. You talk about them incessantly be it your friends, vendor, gardener or any random person.

Sign 6: - You Can Do Anything To Spend Time With Them
You can jump out of your way to spend time with them. You can drive an hour just to have a glance of him/her or just to spend 2 minutes with them. Even you can change your whole schedule to have a coffee with him or her. Very small conversation with him/her can make your whole day and smiling inside for the whole day. No matter how boring it is or how much you'd normally hate to do certain things, but you still choose to do it to spend time with him/her like going to the supermarket just to buy grocery for them.

Sign 7: - Getting Butterflies in Your Stomach
You find yourself goofily smiling alone when you think about him/ her. Just the thought about them gives you the butterflies in your stomach and that butterflies in your stomach are going crazy. That is a clear sign that you are madly in truly in love.

Sign 8: - No Amount Of Time Spend With Him/She is Enough
Even if you spend hours talking to each other on calls or either meeting for hours, then also at the end of the day it feels like you spent only a few hours with him/her. It always feels like "it's never enough." This crazy feeling is love.

Sign 9: - You Are Always Active
You feel more alive, productive and energetic all through the day like you just had an energy booster. This natural energy boost that lifts your mood and gets you excited through the day making you feel like you can conquer the world. This is a clear sign of you are in love.

Sign 10: - Fun Talking To Him/Her
You are always delighted to have a conversation with him/her no matter what the topic is all about. Even the most boring an uneventful stuff suddenly becomes Exciting, engaging and interesting.

Sign 11: - Talk About Anything
This is very true if you are comfortable talking to him about any damn thing on earth then you are madly in love. There is only one person we will comfortable talking about every kind of stuff and that person is our one and only love. We don't need to rethink before talking.

Sign 12: - Day Dreaming About Him/Her
When you are at work or with family or have more important things to do, you simply day dream about him/her and not able to concentrate on anything, but them. You can't even help it, it's like you're in this daydream where it's just you and him/her in the world.

Sign 13: - You Get Defensive
When Someone is Negative About Him/Her, when anyone tries to say anything against him/her or try to be negative for them, then you get defensive for them and tries to protect them. This feeling to protect him/her always is love.

Sign 14:- Not Interested in Other Guys
Earlier you used to stalk the guys/ girls around you, be out now even if your crush or favorite actor/actress comes you don't have the same heart-stopping reaction you would have before. You do not feel any kind of attraction for them like before and all you think about is him/her. This is true love.

Sign 15:- Always Happy
You are always happy no matter what. Things that used to annoy you earlier don't seem to bother you at all now. This is a beautiful kind of happiness from inside that you have never experienced before. You feel giddy and lighthearted for no apparent reason at all.

Sign 16: - Remember Every Detail About Him/Her 
You always mark and remember every small detail about him/her i.e. when you first met, when you first dated, etc. The little moments with him become more special and cherished memories. You also notice the random things he likes like his favorite color, food, place, movie, etc

After reading these signs if you realize that it is happening with you then, my dear you are in truly and madly in Love.

Saturday 21 January 2017

Simple Steps For Home Manicure

Manicured Hands
Do you have limited time and money to go to a salon for a manicure? Do you want beautiful and toned hands easily at home.  

Then, follow these simple and easy steps to get the salon like manicure feel at home:-

Step 1: - Remove Your old Nail Paint 
Take a good quality nail remover and remove the already applied nail paint from your nails properly. After removing the nail paint, gently wash your hands with soap and lukewarm water and then gently pat to dry with a soft towel.

Remove Nail Paint

Step 2: - Trim and File Your Nails 
Properly trim your nails using a nail cutter to the length of your choice. Once the nails are trimmed take a nail file and start filing your nails in properly in one direction. Start from one edge and move to the top smoothly and do not file your nails back and forth.

Trim and file your Nails

Step 3: - Soak Hands in Soft Water To Soften Cuticles
Take lukewarm water in a bowl with a moisturizing soap or any liquid soap and then soak your hands for 5-7 minutes. This will make the cuticles soft and remove the dirt under your finger nails. Pat to dry using a soft and clean towel. Remember the water should not be too hot and do not keep your hands for too long.
Soften Cuticles

Step 4: - Remove Cuticles 
Take a cuticle cream or oil and properly apply it all over your fingers. This will help in softening the right spots. Take a cuticle stick and gently push back the cuticles one at a time. Trim the skin with the help of a cuticle nipper, but very carefully without getting cut in your cuticles as it will harm your nails and also cause bleeding.

Remove Cuticles

Step 5: - Scrub Your Hands 
Use your daily scrub or you can also prepare a homemade scrub with olive oil and salt/sugar together. Scrub your hands for 2-3 minutes, but very carefully without touching your fingers and nails. Wash it properly with fresh water and pat to dry with a soft towel. This will make your hands clean and remove dead skin.

Remove Cuticles

Step 6:- Moisturize your hands 
Take your favorite moisturizer and properly apply it on your hands and cuticles. Gently massage your hands and fingers for a few minutes. Remove any excess cream from fingers (except from the cuticles as it needs to be well moisturized) by wiping as with a damp cloth. This will make your hands feel relaxed.
Mositurize Your Hands
Step 7:- Apply Base coat 
Before applying nail paint, use the base coat with nail strengthening formula and let it dry completely.
Apply Base Coat
Step 8 :-  Apply Your Favorite Nail Paint
Start applying nail paint from one side of nail and apply a very thin coat of nail paint on your nails. After the first coat dries, you can apply the next coat for more shine. Let it dry completely. Apply the nail polish in smooth strokes moving from base of nail to tip of nail in three strokes starting with one in the middle, and then one on each side.

Apply Nail Paint
With these simple and easy steps you can get the manicure right in the comfort of your home and also work wonders on your nails and cuticles. Do it once every week to get good and shiny hands and nails.

Thursday 19 January 2017

Reduce Face Fat By Facial Yoga

In this era of stressful life that is one primary reason for adults to lose their natural self and also their face shine. Stress has different reasons which ultimately reflects on your face. Yoga is good for our body, but did you know that yoga also help relax and tone our face muscles? Yes, it does. Facial yoga helps in lifting, firming, toning and reducing wrinkles from our face and also helps in slimming face.

Here are few simple facial yoga exercises to be done at home:-

1. Fish Face :- This fish face tones your cheek muscles and helps reduce face fat. This simply very easy sucks your cheeks, inside and purse your lips and then try to widen lips by smiling and hold this position for next 5-10 seconds. Repeat this step 10 times daily to get good results.

Fish Face Yoga

2. Jaw Release :- This is very good exercise to make your jawline attractive and good cheekbones. Start moving your jaw like you are chewing some gum or something with mouth closed properly. Inhale deeply, and hum as you exhale. Open your mouth wide and press your tongue against the lower teeth. Maintain this position for 5 seconds and then relax. Repeat this step 5 times daily for best results.

Jaw Release Exercise

3. Puppet Face :- This yoga, step is very beneficial and helps to reduce the face fat. Simply lift the line between your nose and lip and try to smile. Tightly press your cheekbones and the line and then left the muscles against the resistance offered by your fingers. After doing this for 5-10 seconds. Relax and repeat this step 10 times daily.

Puppet Face

4. Cheek Workout :- This helps to reduce cheekbones fats and tones your facial muscles. There are 2 cheeks workout steps:-
a. Inhale deeply with your mouth and close your mouth after that and then transfer the air from one side of cheek to the other side. Do this in step 15 times daily.
b. Close your mouth and press your lips to gather tightly. Blow air under your upper lips and hold this for 5-10 seconds. Transfer this air to left cheek and again hold it tightly for 5-10 seconds and then transfer this to right cheek and hold it tightly for next 5-10 seconds. Repeat this same steps 10 times daily for best results.

Cheek Workout

5. Marilyn :- this yoga exercise helps to tone your lip muscles. This is very easy.
a. Blow kisses in the air freely and do this 5-7 times.
b. Press your lips against your first two fingers and repeat this step 4-5 times.

Marilyn Facial Yoga

6. Surprise Me :- This yoga exercise help to make your eyebrows smooth. Open your eyes wide like you open when you are surprised without getting wrinkles in your eyebrows and focus on one single point at a distance and hold this position for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 4-5 times daily to get good results.
Surprise Me

7. Lips Pull :- This yoga help to lift your face muscles which make you look younger. There are 2 types of lip pulls:-
a. Move your upper lip over your lower lip. Pull it upwards as close to your nose as possible. Hold this pose for 10 seconds and then relax. Repeat this step 5 times daily.
b. Lift your lower lip by bringing out your lower jaw by keeping your head in normal pose. Feel a stretch in your chin muscles and jaw line. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds and repeat it daily 5 times for good results.

8. Blowing Air :- This yoga exercise reduces the double chin and gives you a natural face lift and a leaner appearance to your face. Sit straight with your spine straight and tilt your head backward with your eyes directed towards the ceiling and you see it. Pull out your lips and blow air. So this for 5-10 seconds and the relax. Repeat this step 10 times daily for best results.
Blowing Air

9. Lion Face :- This yoga exercise is very useful in releasing tension. Inhale through your nose and make fists tightly and squeeze your facial muscles. Exhale through your mouth and stick your tongue out as much as you can and open your eyes as wide as possible just like a lion does and open your fist. Hold this for 10 seconds and repeat it 5 times daily.
Lion Face Yoga

10. Chin Lifts :- This yoga step help to get rid of double chin. Tilt your head towards the ceiling and look at the ceiling continuously like you are gazing something. Pull your lips together tightly and hold it for 10 seconds and then relax. Repeat this 10 times daily. Do not use any other facial muscle other than the lips.

Try out these simple anti-aging yoga exercises at home and stay tension free and young. Look better and feel better with this simple yoga tips.

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Easy and Simple Nail Art Tutorials

Girls do you need beautiful nails without much effort, then here we are providing you with simple and easy nail art tutorials which will add beauty to your nails.

Easy and Simple Nail Art Tutorials

Hair Style Tip #7,

The new Indian ethnic hairtstyle for complimenting your entire ethnic attire. Just 5 minutes easy step by step tutorial..

Indian Ethnic Hairstyle

Monday 16 January 2017

Health Benefits Of Beetroot

Health Benefits Of Beetroot

Beetroot is a super food rich in iron, potassium, vitamin B6, A, C, magnesium and nitrate. This beet-root is also known as table beet, red beet or garden beet. The daily intake of this beet-root has many different health benefits like it protects your heart, bones, body and also helps in improving your sex life. Below listed are few benefits of beet-root:-

1. Controls Cholesterol :- Daily eating of beet-root can help in reducing the Cholesterol level sue to the presence of fibers that can reduce and control bad Cholesterol.

2. Energy Provider :- The Beetroot juice acts as an energy booster. It is said that if you consume one glass beet-root juice before workout, then it can boost up your performance level as it stimulated your blood vessels.

3. Weight Control :- Beetroot is high in soluble fibers which fights against fats, helping you to manage weight and also low in calories. This beet-root a loss cleanse the toxins and excess water from the body. Thus, it helps skin glow naturally.

4. Act as Antioxidant :- Beetroot being red in color acts as very good anti-oxidant which supports the immune system and thus reduces bad Cholesterol.

5. Removes Constipation :- It has high soluble fiber content which cleanses the colon and flushes out the harmful toxins from the stomach, thus relieving constipation.

6. Controls Blood Sugar :- Due of the soluble fibers stabilize the glucose level in blood. So it should be consumed by the diabetic patient at least thrice a week. It also helps a diabetic person from getting sweet cravings.

7. Can Reduce Heart Attack :- As Beetroot is rich in nitrates so it can reduce the chances of heart attack and also controls Blood pressure. Have a healthy heart by daily consuming the juice of beet-root. Having just about 500 grams of beet-root every day reduces a person’s blood pressure in about six hours.

8. Best Nutrients Provider :- Beetroot is very rich in nutrients and so it boosts the immune system and produces new blood cells.

9. Good For Pregnant Women :- Beetroot has an abundant supply of folic acid, which is important for pregnant moms and unborn babies. It helps to form the spinal cord properly of the unborn child and also prevents children from spina bifida. It gives extra energy to the would be moms during pregnancy.

10. Beats Osteoporosis :- Having a glass of beet-root juice a day could help keep conditions such as osteoporosis and brittle bone disease.

11. Boost Brain Power :- Consumption of beet-root increases the blood flow to the brain, which also reduces the effect of dementia. Beetroot has nitarte content which, when converted to nitrite helps in the better transmission of neural impulses, making the brain work better.

12. Strengthens Bones :- Beetroot contains nutrients like magnesium, vitamin C, folate, which is best to strengthen bones.

13. Fights Ageing :- Beetroot helps to purify the blood and help to provide healthier skin. It has anti-oxidants which help in reducing the early signs of aging in the body. Thus, it will hel to provide a fair and radiant look to your face and skin.

14. Healthy Hair :- Beetroot contains carotenoids which help in maintaining healthy hairs by increasing its volume and brings natural shine in hairs.

15. Detoxifies Blood :- Beetroot helps to detoxify the blood due to the presence of essential minerals and nutrients in it. Daily consumption of beet-root reduces acne and pimples, which are caused due to impurities in the blood.

16. Natural Hair Dye :- Due to its dark color it can be used as a natural hair dye or color agent in hair. It is safe and brings better color in the hair.

17. Removes Dandruff :- Beetroot prevents blood flow to scalp as it contains protein, phosphorus, potassium and many essential minerals and vitamins. It opens the dead pores to make them absorb more nutrients into the scalp, thus strengthen the roots of hair. Beetroot removes the dead skin from the scalp and helps in regrowth of hair.

Adding beet-root in your daily diet can make your life healthy and prevent you from many problems.

Thursday 12 January 2017

Home Remedies Get Rid Of Dark Lip Color

Every woman needs rosy and pinky lips as lips make your smile look more beautiful. Beautiful lips, enhance your beauty. But have your lips lost their beauty and became dark or black. This could be due to direct sunlight, low quality cosmetics, smoking, allergic reactions or hormonal imbalances. Do not worry we are here to help you to regain beautiful lips. 
Here are the natural remedies that help you get rid of dark lips naturally.

1. Use Lemon :- Lemon is a natural bleaching agent that is used for lightening skin. 

Lemon To Cure Dark Lips

a. Take fresh lemon juice of 1 lemon. Apply it on the lips before sleeping and keep it overnight and rinse with water the next day. Repeat this remedy daily for best and quick results.
b. Cut lemon into pieces and sprinkle sugar on it and gently rub this piece of lemon with sugar gently on the lips. Repeat it daily for best results.
c. Mix lemon juice, honey, and glycerin and apply it on lips at night before sleeping. Leave it overnight and rinse it with water next morning. Repeat this daily to get good results.
d. Mix lemon juice and almond oil and apply it on the lips by gently massaging for 2-3 minutes. Leave for 30 minutes until it dries and rinse it with water. Repeat it daily to get good results.
e. Mix lemon juice with honey and apply it on the lips by gently massaging it for a few minutes. Rinse it with water after it dries.

2. Olive Oil :- Olive oil contains essential nutrients leaving lips soft and beautiful. 
Olive Oil To Cure Dark Lips
a. Take few drops of virgin olive oil and apply it on your lips by gently massaging before going to sleep. Keep it overnight and rinse with water the next day. Use it daily for best results.
b. Mix sugar and extra virgin olive oil and apply it on the lips and scrub it for 3-4 minutes. Rinse it with water afterwards. Repeat it daily for best results.
c. Combine olive oil and lime essential oil and apply it on the lips in a thick layer. Leave it for 30-40 minutes. Rinse it off with water and repeat this 2-3 times daily for best results.

3. Almond Oil :- Almond oil has great moisturizing properties to lighten and soften lips. 

Almond Oil To Cure Dark Lips

a. Mix few drops of almond oil with honey and granulated sugar. Apply it on the lips and massage for 2-3 minutes and then rinse it with water. Repeat this step once in a week for best results.
b. Mix equal amount of almond oil and castor oil and apply it on your lips by gently massaging it to lighten the lip color.
c. Mix equal amount of almond oil and coconut oil and apply it on the lips before sleeping. Leave it overnight. Repeat this step daily for good results.

4. Rose Water :- Rose water is very soothing, cooling and moisturizing. It adds natural pink tint to your lips. 
Rose Water To Cure Dark Lips

a. Mix one drop of rose water with a few drops of honey and apply it on your lips. Do this 3-4 times a day for better results.
b. Mix one tsp of rose petal paste with one teaspoon of butter, honey, or milk cream. Gently massage this scrub on the lips for 2-3 minutes and then wash it with water. For Good results, use it 2 times in a week.
c. Take few rose petals and soak it in water for at least an hour and then grind it to make fine paste. Mix one teaspoon of honey and one pinch saffron. Apply this mixture on your lips and leave it for 15 minutes. Clean and rinse it with water. Repeat this daily to get good results.
d. Mix rose petal paste with glycerin and castor oil. Apply it on lips and gently massage for 2-3 minutes. Repeat this daily to get good results.

5. Strawberries :- Strawberry contains the anti-oxidants and minerals. There are 2-3 ways in which strawberry can be used to cure dark lips:- 

Strawberries To Cure Dark Lips

a. Mix crushed strawberry and baking soda to make a paste. Apply it on the lips just before sleeping and leave it overnight. Rinse it with water the next day. Repeat it daily for best results.
b. Apply strawberry juice on the lips and leave it for some time until it dries. Rinse it with water after that. Repeat it daily for best results.
c. Mix strawberry juice and petroleum jelly and apply it on the affected area. Repeat this daily to get good results.

6. Honey  :- Honey helps to restore natural lip color.

Honey To Cure Dark Lips

a. Apply honey on the lips before sleeping and gently massage it for 2-3 minutes and leave it overnight on the lips. Next day washes it with lukewarm water. Repeat this daily to get soft and pink lips naturally.
b. Mix honey with yogurt and gram flour in equal amounts. Apply it on the lips by gently massaging it. Leave it for half hour and wash it with lukewarm water. Repeat it daily for best results.
c. Mix honey and turmeric powder to make a thick paste. Apply it on the lips and; eave it for 2-3 minutes. Wash it with water. Repeat daily for best results. d. Mix honey and milk and apply this mixture on the lips and leave it for half hour. Rinse it with water. Repeat this daily for best results.

7. Cucumber :- Cucumber makes your lips, as well as your skin, a lighter. 
Cucumber To Cure Dark Lips

a. Take cucumber slices and rub it on the lips for a few minutes. Repeat this daily to get good results.
b. Apply cucumber juice on lips using a cotton ball before sleeping and leave it overnight. Repeat this step daily to get good results.

8. Pomegranate :- Pomegranate keeps skin hydrated by sealing in moisture. 


a. Mix equal amounts of pomegranate juice, carrot juice, and beet-root juice. Apply it on affected area with cotton ball. Repeat this daily to get better results.
b. Crush the pomegranate seeds and mix it with milk, cream, and rosewater to make a paste. Apply it on the lips by gently massaging it for 2-3 minutes. Rinse it with water. Repeat it for better results.

9. Fuller's Earth :- Fuller's earth whitens and cleanses skin by clearing dead skin cells.

Fuller's Earth To Cure Dark Lips

a. Mix fuller's earth and honey to make a paste. Apply it on the lips and gently massage it for a few minutes. Leave it for 5-10 minutes and then rinse it off with water. Repeat this twice daily for best results.
b. Mix fuller's earth and rose water to make a paste. Apply it on lips and let out dry for a few minutes and after that rinse it off with water. Repeat daily to get good results.

10. Beet Juice :-
Beetroot is rich in anti-oxidants and adds natural coloration. 

Beetroot Juice To Cure Dark Lips

a. Apply beet-root juice on the lips before sleeping and leave it overnight. Rinse it off with water next day to get good results.
b. Mix carrot juice and Beetroot juice and apply it on lips for. Leave it for 5-10 minutes and then rinse out off with lukewarm water. Repeat daily for best results.
c. Mix beet-root juice, pineapple juice, and coconut oil. Apply it on the lips by gently massaging it for 2-3 minutes. Let it dry for a few minutes and then rinse it off with water. Repeat this tip daily to get good results.

11. Tomato :- Take the tomato pulp and heavy cream and mix them well. Apply it on the lips by gently massaging it for 3-4 minutes. Rinse it off with water after that. Repeat daily for best results.
Tomato To Cure Dark Lips

12. Raspberries :- Raspberries keeps lips healthy and vibrant.

Raspberries To Cure Dark Lips

a. Mix raspberry juice, aloe vera gel, and honey to make a paste and gently scrub it on lips for 3-4 minutes. Let it dry for 15 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Repeat this 3-4 times in a week for good results.
b. Mix raspberry, honey, and lemon juice to make paste. Apply it on lips and leave it for 5-10 minutes and then rinse it off with water. Repeat daily to get good results.

13. Mustard Oil :- Mustard oil contains high sources of fatty acids, anti-oxidants, and vitamin E. 

Mustard Oil To Cure Dark Lips

a. Take few drops of mustard oil and massage it gently on your belly button. Repeat this daily to get good results.
b. Mix mustard oil and coconut oil and then apply it on the lips by gently massaging it for a few minutes. Clean it using a wet cotton ball. Repeat daily for best results.

Try these long-lasting home remedies that helps you get rid of dark colors, leaving your lips rosy pink!

Saturday 7 January 2017

Home Remedies To Cure Dryness In Eyes

Dryness occurs in the eyes when you tear gland do not produce tears to keep it moist. This dryness is caused due to medical factors like hormonal changes, allergies and age or due to certain environmental factors like exposure to wind, smoke or dry air, hot blowing air, etc. If this dryness is not treated well, then it can lead to serious complications like increased risk of eye infections and damage to eye surface etc.
Although you should always consult a doctor in such sensitive cases, but here are few simple and easy home remedies that you can follow to deal with this dryness problem in the eyes.

1. Frequent Washing Of Eyelids :- To relieve this discomfort, you should wash eyes several time in a day. This will, help you maintain eye hygiene and will relieve discomfort in the eyes. You can always use the mild soap or a mild wash to gently clean your eyelids. Always do this carefully by properly closing eyes. 

2. Drink Enough Water :- Dehydration can increase the risk of dryness in your eyes. Therefore, it is recommended increasing the intake of water in a day. This will keep mucous membranes in your eyes moist.

3. Green Tea or Tea Bags :- Green tea is best known for its health benefits. Green tea bags are also very useful for dry eyes. It helps in hydrating the eyes. Take 2-3 tea bags and dip it in hot water for a few minutes. Take a cotton ball and soak it in tea water and then place it on your eyelids by closing eyes for 5-10 minutes. Then, use warm water to rinse your eyelids. Repeat it twice a week to see improvements.

4. Warm Compress On Eyelids :- Take warm water (make sure it is not too hot) and soak a clean cloth in it and wring out the excess water. Close your eyes and then put it on your eyelids for 10 minutes and then again soak it and repeat it for few times. After this rinse your eyes with lukewarm water properly. Use this daily for best results.

5. Take Enough Deep Sleep :- Sleep deprivation may cause dry eyes. Take a proper sleep about 7-8 hours regularly and give rest to your eyes to avoid such problems. Sleep is the natural home remedy for eyes.
6. Turn on Enough Light :- Many of us always have a habit of watching TV or working on computers and mobile phones by switching off lights. The darkness in the room and the lights coming from these devices cause strain in your eyes. Always switch on the lights while watching TV or while using computers, laptops or mobile phones.

7. Wear Sunglasses :- The sunlight affects your eyes and make your eyes drier. Therefore, always wear a sunglass while moving out in sunlight to protect it from sun rays and dust.

8. Use Coconut Oil :- Coconut oil helps in reweting the eyes and reduces the dryness in your eyes. Soak a cotton ball in coconut oil. Place it on your eyelids while closing the eyes for 15 minutes. Repeat this a few times in a day for better results.

9. Eye Blinking Exercise :- Regular blinking of eyes can reduce the dryness in your eyes and can increase the flow of tears in your eyes. Perform the blinking exercise for 5-10 minutes daily 5 times.

10. Rose Water :- Dip a cotton ball in rose water and keep it on your eyelids for 10 minutes keeping your eyes closed. Repeat this 2-3 times in a day for better results.

11. Tamarind Seeds :- Take some warm water and put few tamarind seeds in it and let the seeds stay there for 10 minutes and after that apply this water around your eyes and not on the eyes. After a few minutes when it dries, wash it carefully with water. 
12. Cold Milk :- Take some cold milk and put few drops of rose water in it and then soak a cotton ball in it and keep it on your eyelids keeping your eyes closed. Relax for a few minutes and then rinse it off with water.

13. Almond Oil with Castor Oil :- Take few drops of castor oil and almond oil and mix them. Apply this mixture under your eyes just before sleeping. Repeat this daily for best results.

14. Lavender Oil :- Take warm water in a bowl and put few drops of lavender oil in it and mix them well. Dip a cotton ball in it and squeeze all the water from it. Close your eyes and apply it on your eyes gently. Repeat this twice a day to get better results.

15. Cucumber :- Cut fr4esh cucumber in slices and keep them in refrigerator for some time to cool them. Put the cool cucumber slices on your closed eyes for 20 minutes. Repeat this twice a day for better results.

16. Some Of the Food For Eyes: - Apart from these simple tips which you have to apply to the eyes. Eat healthy food to make your eyes healthy. Here is a list of some healthy food:- 

a. Omega 3 Fatty Acids :- Omega 3 fatty acids have the ability to relieve the irritation caused by dry eyes. Take omega 3 fatty acid supplements or consume foods that are rich in this nutrient like flax seed oil, Chia seeds, palm oil, walnut, soybean oil, eggs and fatty fish like mackerel, sardine, salmon and tuna.

b. Vitamins :- Dry eyes require consumption of vitamin E like peanuts, sunflowers, bean sprouts and sesame, nuts, milk, asparagus, animal liver and fish fat. Vitamin C includes grapefruit, lemons, strawberries, pineapple, oranges, soursop, mangosteen, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage. Vitmanin A like liver of chicken, duck, pork, fish, eggs, duck eggs, carp, and milk.

c. Potassium :- Potassium is very important in relieving dry eyes. Eat food rich in potassium like bananas, dulse, kelp, pecans, avocados, almonds, wheat germ, raisins, dates and figs.

d. Gooseberry Juice And Honey :- This gooseberry juice is very important for the eyes and also helps in increasing the eyesight. Take out the juice of fresh gooseberry and mix 1 tsp honey in it and drink this juice. Repeat it daily for best results.

e. Zinc :- Zinc deficiency may result in dry eyes. Eat zinc-rich foods such as fish, legume, mushrooms, kelp, liver, yeast, sunflower seeds, whole grain and so on.

Eyes are most sensitive organ of the human body and so it is very important to take good care of eyes. Follow these simple steps and feel the improvement in your eyes and maintain a good diet and healthy lifestyle.