Remove Tanning At Home |
Excessive exposure to ultra violet rays causes the darkening of
exposed skin and Hence cause tanning. Sun tanning usually occurs on
the body parts that are exposed to sun like face, neck, arms and
legs. When it comes to removal of tanned skin home remedies by using
the natural ingredients are the best option as it removes the tanning
in a caring, gentle and smooth manner. Some of the best home remedies
are being listed here:
Aloe Vera and Red Lentil Face pack :- Soak a tablespoon of Red Lentil
in water for 20 minutes and then make a rough paste and mix this
paste with fresh aloe Vera gel along with 1 tablespoon of tomato
pulp. Massage on affected area. Keep for 20 minutes and rinse off
with water.
Aloe Vera and Red Lentil Face pack |
Potato Face Pack :- Potato not only cures the sun tan, but also helps
in curing the skin ageing. Take the juice of one potato, mix a
tablespoon of lemon juice in it and all affected areas. Keep it for
30-40 minutes. Wash off with cold water.
Potato Face Pack |
Wheat Flour Face Pack :- Make a
paste using 2 tablespoons of wheat flour and water and apply on
affected areas. The paste should not be too thick. Leave it for
15 minutes and wash it.
Wheat Flour Face Pack |
Use Saffron :- Soak a few strands of saffron in 2 tablespoons of milk
cream overnight. Mix it thoroughly with fingers in the morning and
apply it on all affected regions and leave it for 20 mins and then
wash the face.
Use Saffron |
Cucumber Face Pack :- Take a tablespoon each of cucumber juice and
mix a few drops of lemon juice and rose water in it. Apply with
cotton on tanned areas, wait for 10 minutes and wash off with cold
water. For better and fast results use it daily.
Cucumber Face Pack
Tomato and Yogurt Face Pack :- Mix 2 tablespoon of tomato pulp, 1
Tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of yogurt in a bowl and
apply on face. Keep it for 30 minutes and then wash with water.
Tomato and Yogurt Face Pack |
(Note :- The tomato juice may cause a sensation of itchiness in
the beginning, but it will mellow down with regular application)
Milk Powder Face Pack :- Mix 2
tablespoon of milk powder with 1 tablespoon of honey and a few drops
of almond oil and apply on affected areas. Keep it for 20 minutes and
then wash it with water.
Milk Powder Face Pack |
Orange Juice and Yogurt Face Pack :- Mix 1 tablespoon each of yogurt and orange juice and apply on face.
Leave it on for 30 minutes and rinse off with water.
Orange Juice and Yogurt Face Pack |
Bengal Gram Flour Face Pack :- Mix 2 tablespoons of Bengal Gram
Flour, a pinch of turmeric, 1 tablespoon of milk, and 1 tablespoon of
crushed orange peel in a bowl with cold rose water. Apply it to
affected areas and leave for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, wash it
with water.
Bengal Gram Flour Face Pack |
Oat Meal Face Pack :- Mix 2 tablespoon of oatmeal with 3 tablespoons
of buttermilk and apply on face and body by gently massing with it in
a clockwise direction and leave for 20 minutes and then wash it with
Oat Meal Face Pack |
Pineapple and Honey Face Pack :-
Mix 2 tablespoon of pineapple pulp with one tablespoon of honey and
apply on face and other areas and wait for 5-7 minutes and then wash
it off with water.
Pineapple and Honey Face Pack |
Papaya Face Pack :- Take ½ cup of ripe papaya pulp and mash it well,
add a tablespoon of honey to it and mix well. Apply on clean face and
dry for 30 minutes. Rinse off with water.
Papaya Face Pack |
Sandal Wood Face Pack :- Mix a tablespoon of sandalwood powder with
coconut water to make a thick paste and add a few drops of almond oil
to it. Apply on face and neck, dry for 20 minutes and wash off with
Sandal Wood Face Pack |
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