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Thursday 23 March 2017

Simple Home Remedies For Skin In Summers

Summers are the best seasons which gives you best fruits and gives you perfect weather to flaunt in beautiful summer dresses. There is one drawback to this beautiful weather that it not only tans your skin but also causes your pores get clogged with dust. So, protect your skin this summer by heat, hot winds and warmth of Sun by using simple home remedies.

1. Remain Hydrated:- Water is the best remedy for every skin problems as it helps removing all the toxins and waste material from your body. Drink excess of liquid in summer like fruit juices, coconut water, green tea, buttermilk or just water to keep your body hydrated and detoxify the skin and keep it soft, dewy and clear.

2. Exercise Regularly:- Exercise is very good remedy to remain healthy all through your life. It helps in removing the toxins from your body and gives you glowing and healthy skin. Exercise also increase your blood circulation and promoted blood supply which results in healthy and glowing skin. Therefore, it is advisable to do simple yoga and workouts every morning to feel fresh, healthy and get glowing skin in summers.

Exercise Regularly

3. Apply Sunscreen:- Always apply sunscreen 30 minutes before stepping out of your place. Use high SPf and waterproof sunscreen every 2 hours to protect your skin not only from darkening and damage, but from harsh UV rays which causes tanning or other skin diseases.

Use sunscreen

4. Proper Diet:- Avoid eating heavy food in summers and try to consume high water content fruits in your diet like watermelon, cucumber, oranges and lettuce which will keep you hydrated and provides you nutrients and anti-oxidants.  Also eat more and more green vegetables improve the immune system and decreases stress level in the body. Try to avoid meat in summers as it is very hard to digest in summers and raise your body temperature causing acne.

Proper Diet

5. Exfoliating:- Exfoliation help in removing the dead skin from the face and other parts of the body. Use a massager or scrub to scrub off the dead skin from your body. You can use homemade scrub or some ready made scrub and gently massage for 2-3 minutes and then rinse off with water. Try to repeat it 2-3 times in week to get gentle and glowing skin in summers.


6. Cleansing:-
Cleansing us very useful for your skin, so cleanse you skin twice a day with a good cleanser. Use the cleanser either homemade or ready-made which suits your skin. Yogurt and honey is a  very good home cleanser which not only cleans your skin but also moisturizes it. Apply it on your skin and leave it for few minutes and rinse with plain water.

7. Moisturize:- Moisturize your body not only in winters, but summers also to get glowing skin. Don't use oil based moisturizer, but gentle and light water based moisturizer to get smooth and soft skin. Apply moisturizer immediately after shower on damp skin as it will last for the whole day. Also, apply the moisturizer before sleeping as it gives glowing effect on skin.


8. Steaming:- Try to do steam therapy once in a week to remove all dirt from your face. Steam is good for all types of skin. It makes skin clearer, softer and smooth.

9. Toning:- Toning help you get a clear and refreshed skin as it removes the dirt and toxins from the skin. Mix equal quantity of Glycerin and rose water to make a good toner it home. Apply this toner every night before sleeping to get a clear skin by getting rid of all marks on skin.

10. Tan Removal:- Get glowing and healthy skin by using the tan removal products. There are few home-made mask for tan removal.

a) Make paste of 2 to 3  almonds and mix it with 1 teaspoon of lime juice and 2 teaspoons of milk. Apply it on face at night and leave it overnight. Wash your face next morning with lukewarm water.

b) Mix honey and lemon juice in equal quantity and apply it on your face any time. Leave it for 2 minutes and then rinse it with water. This is very effective remedy.

c) Make cucumber juice and apply it on face for 10-15 minutes and then rinse it with water. This will reduce the effect of sunrays and will neutralize and soothe your skin.

d) Take a teaspoon of gram flour and mix it with teaspoon of milk and a few drops of lime juice. Apply it on face and wash you face after 30 minutes. Get the glow and radiance to on your face quickly.

Get more young, better, glowing and smooth skin this summer by following simple home remedies for your skin and get rid of all skin problems easily.


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