Arlen Specter

There's nothing more important than our good health - that's our principal capital asset.

John Keats

A thing of beauty is a joy forever; its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness.

Jim Rohn

Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live.

Coco Chanel

You can be gorgeous at thirty, charming at forty, and irresistible for the rest of your life.

Tom Stoppard

A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier.


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Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Get Soft And Supple Lips Naturally

Get Soft and Smooth Lips
Are you suffering from dry and chapped lips?? This is the most common problem in winters especially. There are some reasons for this dry and chapped lips:

  1. Due to lack of certain vitamins
  2. Lack of water content in body
  3. Excessive exposure to sunlight
  4. Smoking and drinking
  5. Licking of lips
Get the most soft and beautiful lips by applying the simple home remedies:

Drink Excess Water :- One should drink at least 10-12 glasses of water daily, for healthy body and smooth lips as lack of water is the most important cause of dry and chapped lips. 

Drink Excess Water
Drink Excess Water
Use Rose Petals Paste :- Rose petals keeps your lips pink and smooth, by retaining the natural color as it keeps the lips hydrated. Simply soak the rose leaves in milk for some time and then make its paste and apply on lips for 15 minutes and then wash it. Repeat this step twice or thrice daily to get the smoothest and pink lips naturally.
Use Rose Petals
Apply oil :- The flex seed oil, olive oil, coconut oil and castor oil have a high content of fatty acids in them which are very essential for lips. So for instant results apply twice or thrice daily the oil and get smooth lips.
Apply Oil
Apply Scrub To lips :- Make sugar scrub and apply it on lips to get soft and smooth lips. Take about two spoons of sugar and add a few drops of olive oil and some honey in it and mix it well and keep this mixture aside for around 5-10 minutes and then apply it all over lips and scrub it gently to remove the dead cells and wash it with lukewarm water. 
Apply Scrub To lips
Apply Scrub To lips
Apply a Mixture of Honey and Petroleum Jelly :- Apply honey all over the lips and then apply a coating of petroleum jelly over it and leave it for 15 minutes and then clean it with a soft damp cotton cloth. This will provide you with the soft and nourished lips. Use this method daily to get better results. 

Apply Honey and Petroleum Jelly
Apply Aloe Vera Gel :- Apply Aloe Vera gel on the lips before going to bed regularly, for cooling and soothing effect and to heal the dry and chapped lips.
Apply Aloe Vera
Use Cucumber :- Slice a cucumber and rub them gently on the lips. Keep for 15 minutes and wash off with water. This would also make your lips soft and supple.
Use Cucumber
Lemon paste :- Mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and honey along with few drops of castor oil. Apply onto the lips before going to bed daily. Repeat this procedure daily to get smooth lips.

Lemon Ointment

Repair Your Dry and Cracked Feet By Quick Home Remedies

Are you pissed with your cracked and painful feet???? Do you want soft and moisturized feet, then here are some quick tips for you to be followed at home as follows:-  

Get Smooth and Soft Feet
  1. Washing and Scrubbing Feet Daily :- Take a tub of warm water and mix some liquid soap in that water at night daily and soak your feet in that warm water for 20 minutes. Then use the pumic stone to gently remove the dead skin and then rinse off the feet with clean water and dry it with a towel by patting gently. Then apply any one of the following products to repair your cracked feets:
  • Apply foot cream and wear cotton socks overnight.
  • Apply Coconut oil gently on feet and wear cotton socks overnight.
  • Apply some mentholated rub on clean, dry feet and wear cotton socks overnight.
  1. Use Epsom Salt :- Take a tub of warm water and mix some one-half cup Epsom Salt in it and soak your feet for about 10 minutes and then rinse it thoroughly with the pumic stone and then rinse off the feet with clean water and dry it with a towel by patting gently. Then apply the moisturizer or cream on feet and repeat this step regularly for four-five days.

  2. Use Lemon :- Lemon juice is very acidic and so it is very good for the dry and cracked feet. Add some lemon juice in the warm water and soak your feet for about 10 minutes and then rinse it thoroughly with the pumic stone. And then rinse off the feet with clean water and dry it with a towel by patting gently. Then apply the moisturizer or cream on the feet. You can also add the juice from one lemon to one teaspoon of petroleum jelly and apply this mixture to your dry and cracked heels after washing feet with 
    warm water.

    Repair Cracked Feet By Quick Home Remedies

  1. Use ripe banana :- Blend one or two overripe bananas in a blender to form a thick, creamy paste. Apply this mixture on your feet and leave for 15-20 minutes and then wash your feet with the warm water firstly followed by cold water. This will help you gain soft and moisturized feet.
  1. Use Vinegar :- Vinegar foot soaks are also beneficial for tired feet. This vinegar contains the acidic acid, which helps in softening of feet skin. Mix one-half to one cup of white or apple cider vinegar. In the warm water and soak your feet for about 10 minutes and then rinse it thoroughly with the pumic stone. And then rinse off the feet with clean water and dry it with a towel by patting gently. Then apply the moisturizer or cream on the feet. 

  2. Apply Glycerin :- Make a mixture of equal parts of glycerin and lemon juice. Apply it on your feet. Leave it on for 20 minutes and wash it off with water. Follow this method for about two weeks.
  1. Use Paraffin Wax :- Heat some paraffin wax in a microwave or double-boiler and add an equal amount of mustard oil or coconut oil to it. Apply this thick, creamy paste on the cracks and put on a pair of socks. Leave it on overnight and wash your feet thoroughly in the morning. Follow this remedy daily for one or two weeks.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Simple to Read and Easy to Follow Healthy Tips

Eat Healthy Stay Healthy
It is well said that being healthy is the biggest asset a person has throughout his life. Our body is meant to be physically fit and physical fitness is defined as the functioning of the body in a way it was actually designed to function. It is necessary to take care of your health because if your health gets ruined your life will be ruined by stressing, fatigue, failure, anxiety, threat to your life and happiness forever. It is often said that where there is a will there is a way for sure, so make a will to better positive self and the way will be created. Here are some healthy tips for our regular day to day life.

Simple to read and easy to follow:

  1. Eat/ Drink Healthy and Stay Energetic: You should eat healthy not only to fit your belly correctly into your jeans but to boost yourself whole day with huge amount of energy and stamina. For long-term healthy life eat healthy food that are not stress busters and drink plenty of water.

  2. Regular Exercising: Remember that our bodies were designed to be active and energetic so practice regular exercising and workouts. This may be anything that comes on physical workouts walk, swim, jog, run, yoga and many more.

  3. Adequate Sleep: Resting is very important for staying healthy and fit. Rather than spending time late night in useless things, run to sleep that will keep your whole day stress free, more productive and full of enthusiasm.

  4. Avoid Abusive Substances: The abusive substances caffeine, drugs, alcohol, smoke toll your physical fitness in long run and makes you feel lousy so avoid putting them in your body.

  5. Maintain Cleanliness: Staying healthy not only means to eat healthy but to stay clean and in hygienic environment. This will help fight against diseases and illness.

Thus, no matter whatever we do to keep our body fit and healthy, we lack somewhere and catch the illness and bad health so the regular health checkups and day to day tip to toe care is vital for the long run. So Stay healthy and be safe naturally.

Friday, 20 February 2015

Learn the New Easy Hairstyles In Few Easy Steps

Are you looking to have a superb hairstyle? This is Very easy way to access and very easy to learn the new hairstyles. 

1) Spiral French Braid

2) Learn The French Braid In Easy Steps

Health Benefits Of Curd

Curd For Good Health

Curd is very good for health, it consists of calcium and protein in sufficient amount in it. It is good for health, memory and teeth as well. The bacteria present in curd which we think is unhyginic is actually essential for our body, making it soft and moisture full. Regular intake of curd is very important as it also protects from sunburn.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Important Tips For Being a Perfect GirlFriend

Every guy wants his girlfriend to be “Miss Perfect” but being perfect is not an easy thing. Only if you really know what your guy expects out of you than you can achieve this title. Although every man has their own perception about the perfect girlfriend but some things are common which are being mentioned below to become a perfect girlfriend. Apply these points based on your guy's desires and preferences:-

  • Love Him :- A perfect girlfriend loves her guy more than anything and do everything to keep him happy. Loving him is the first step to being a perfect girlfriend. Always Cuddle, hug, kiss, smooch, is making love and say “I love you” whenever you have the chance.
Love Your Guy
Love Him
  • Be Faithful and Devoted :- Always make your boyfriend feel that he is only one for you and you need nothing other than him and you should always show your love to him by making him feel that he is the only one you are interested in need nothing else.
  • Always Look Great :- Always take care of your look when you are with him just the way he likes to see you. Become beautiful physically so that he always wishes to love and kiss you not just by applying tons of makeup but naturally. 
Take Care Of Yourself
Look Great
  • Also love Yourself: - Never underestimate yourself in front of your guy by asking him weird questions about yourself every time like Am I fat/ slim, dark, and so on as this question will annoy him. So be confident and love yourself in your on way and always keep smiling and be cheerful.
  • Always Appreciate Him: - Always make him feel special and important by appreciating Hima den his efforts that he makes towards you and your relationship so that he feel better. 
Be Best than his Ex
Be Best Than His Ex
  • Be Best than All His Ex’s: - You always need to be better than his Ex girlfriend to give him better experience than his past. 
  • Give Him, Gifts Oftenly: - Make him feel special a and loved by gifting him every now and then. Always pamper him like a kid with him and give the best of what you can give. 

Give Your Guy Surprises
Surprise Him
  • Support Him Like a Friend: - Life had many ups and downs so every guy need someone who lifts him emotionally. A perfect girlfriend is always supportive and is always there for her guy in his good and bad times.
  • Be Feminine: - A perfect girlfriend is feminine, she knows how to carry herself, and behaves like a real lady in public not just in bed.

Be a Girl
Be Feminine
  • Never Take Him For Granted: - Don’t be one of those chicks that take things for granted. Seduce your boyfriend – every day – all over again to be a perfect girlfriend. 

Dont Take Him For Granted
Don't Ignore Him
  • Always Compliments Him: - You are not the only one who needs compliments and likes to get compliments often but he also likes to be complicated from time to time. Tell him how much you love something about him, or how hot he is to you, how much he turns you on. 
  • Smell Great For him :- Always have a unique smell that can make a man fall deeply in love; your smell gets engraved deeply in his mind. Use the best perfume, shampoo, lotion which gives the most soothing smell.

Smell Great For Him
Smell Great
  • Stop complaining: - Men need their space and freedom too, so stop complaining and nagging all day around as that will only bring a negative energy in your relationship and create differences. 
Stop Nagging and Complaining
Stop Nagging Around
  • Like his Friends Too: - Always accept and like your boyfriends like your own friends and don't just complain about his friends to him even if you don't like them because a perfect girlfriend is the one who likes his guys imperfect friends. 
  • Be a Great in Bed: - A girlfriend isn’t “perfect” if she doesn’t perform great in bed. Fulfill all the fantasies of your guy to be a perfect girlfriend because great sex makes your relationship more an more stronger for years. 

Be a Sex Goddess
Be Great in Bed
  • Cook For Him: - As it is always said that way to a man's heart is always through his stomach so what are you waiting for, just cook for him or at least try to cook delicious meals of his choice. A perfect girlfriend always takes care of his health by cooking healthy for him.
Always Cook For Your Guy
Cook For Him
  • Give Him His Own Space: - A perfect girlfriend gives a guy his own space. Give him time for himself, his friends, work, whatever he needs. This will create a great bond and trust among you guys. Create balance in your love life. Being able to trust is an essential quality of every great girlfriend. 

Friday, 13 February 2015

Natural and Home Tips For Beautiful and Natural Hair

Naturally Grown Healthy Hairs
Beautiful and naturally nourished hair acts as add-ons to your personality and naturally beautifies you. Well If you've never used natural hair care products before then it is the time for you to know the real value of natural hair care products as natural oils are good for the health of the scalp, and actually prevents dry or oily scalps and fades off dandruff and help you get the most gleaming and delightful hair. 

Hibiscus leaves :- Use hibiscus leaves paste or powder with water; it makes hair smooth and prevent dandruff.

Hibiscus leaves past
Apply Henna :- Apply Henna in some day time period to get shiny and healthy hairs
Henna For Conditioning

Yogurt mask :- Plain yogurt mask softens the hair and provides glossy finish.

Yogurt Mask
Honey Paste :- A paste of honey and ripe banana makes you hair soft, just like baby hair.

Honey For Soft Hairs
Fenugreek Paste :- Apply a pack of soaked fenugreek with yogurt grind it the night before and use it the next morning. Wash it off with a gentle shampoo and don’t forget to condition it.

Eggs :- Collect the white of a single egg and mix in 3 tablespoons of water; apply this mixture onto your hair, leave it on for about 30 minutes and then rinse out thoroughly to get hair that has a healthy moisture content and a lively shine.


Coconut Oil With Curry Leaves :- Drop in a few washed and dried curry leaves into a few tablespoons of coconut oil, warm for 2 minutes and when the mixture has cooled, massage it gently onto the scalp and hair. Cover with a warm towel for about 20 minutes and then wash with a mild shampoo. 

Coconut Oil With Curry Leave
Aloe Vera :- You can make a paste with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, 4 tablespoons of aloe vera gel and 3 tablespoons of curd and leave this on your hair for about half an hour as it help to give a shine and soft texture that makes frizzy hair manageable.

Aloe Vera For Hair

Warm Oil :- Warm a little oil (almond, olive, coconut) to a temperature that feels comfortable to the skin. Then slightly dampen your hair and apply this warm oil all over. Cover with a warm towel and leave it on for about an hour. Use a mild shampoo to wash hair and when the hair has dried, you’ll find it has a healthy look and texture.

Warm Oil For Hair

Vinegar :- Take about half a cup of vinegar and mix in 2 cups of water. Use this liquid as a conditioner after you have rinsed the shampoo out of your hair to get the lustre appearance to your Hair.

Vinegar For Healthy Hair

Some Daily Home Tips For Beautiful and Healthy Lock

Some Daily Home Tips For Beautiful and Healthy Lock
Some Daily Home Tips For Beautiful and Healthy Lock

Delightful, sparkling hair is an important resource. It can likewise be a flexible style frill, to be shaded, twisted, spruced up or smoothed down. Your hair plays a huge device that helps you in deciding how you look and see yourself. There is a considerable measure of things that you ought to think about general hair mind that will help you to have the sort of hair that you need. By taking after these tips you will have the capacity to have sound hair that won't drop out or break.

Below mentioned are some of the daily hair care tips to get more beautiful and healthy locks:

  1. Regularly Conditioning :- Avoid Dry and Frizzy Hairs By moisturizing conditioner after every wash strictly.
  2. Proper Conditioning :- Start conditioning about 2 inches away from your scalp because too much conditioner on the scalp will only make your scalp excessively oily.
  3. Use Same Brand Shampoo and Conditioners :- It shows good result to hair if you use the same brand rather than 2 individual brand products.
  4. Don't Tie Hair Tightly :- Avoid tying the hair tightly to avoid the hair breakage.
  5. Don't Braid Hair Tightly While Sleeping :- Avoid frizzy mess and hair breakage. by losing brading at night while sleeping.
  6. Take Care Of Wet Hair Properly :- Don't be too harsh while shampooing and avoid brushing wet hair to avoid the breakage as hair are very fragile and delcate.
  7. Protect Your Hairs :- Protect your hair from sun, heat,dust, pollution and rain because this may lead to the drying out of hair and scalp, increased susceptibility to infections on the scalp.
  8. Avoid applying Heat To Your Hair :- Use the hair dryers and curlers only when required because the unnecessary use may strip the moisture content from your hair making it dry and frizzy.
  9. Don't Tease Your Hair :- Even if it provides a lot of volume, it ruins the hair texture.
  10. Oil Regulary :- Oil your hair as frequently as you can and use very mild and light shampoo to remove the oil.
  11. Dry Hair Carefully :- Do not rub the hair rigorously instead tap it gently to avoid the amount of hair that breaks.
  12. Comb /Brush Hair Effectively :- Use the Wooden combs as they cause less hair breakage. Comb / Brush Hair Effectively to increase the luster of your hair, but do not over do it.
  13. Use Cold Water For Washing :- Use cold water for washing of your hairs as it is good for health growth and health.
  14. Avoid Using Too Many Products For Hairs :- Try and avoid bottled hair products as much as possible and try to use the natural and home made products to get good healthy and shiny hairs.
  15. Healthy Eating :- The most important points above all is to eat and drink healthy to get good hair quality and volume because health on inside reflects on your hair too. Certain nutrients like vitamins, iron and proteins are very essential for your hair growth. A good diet for your hair will also boost your confidence and personality.


Thursday, 12 February 2015

Be Your Own Hair Stylist

All you ladies, now be your own hair expert, try these easy styles at home and get a perfect look. Look classy, look different.

This style is easy to make and does not need much effort. All you need is make partition, twist and tie and you are done.

Make a bun by braided tails, it is easy and neat.

Now this is one of the easiest hair style for casual day out.

Stay connected and become your own expert :)

Monday, 9 February 2015

Beauty Tip Of The Day, 09.02.15

Always apply foundation before you apply compact face powder or blusher. Your bare dry skin cannot bare just the powder on.

Being Dark Is New Sexy

Is your skin color dark? Do you find difficulty in finding clothes which will suit your skin? Do you feel bad when people call you dark colored? If you are even a little concerned about the above points than please don't be. You are best in the way you are. God has given you this color because he found you beautiful in this way, why think about the rest?

Now what matters is how you keep yourself beautiful and confident. You have to accept the fact that like every machine, every cloth, every corner of your house, every little article our skin also needs to be taken care regularly. If you don't water a plant it becomes dull and dead and same is the case with our skin. It becomes dull, dry and dead if we ignore it, if you want to look beautiful you don't need to be white all you need is nourishing the skin, no matter what is your skin color.

Here are some quick tips to rejuvenate your skin:

Wash your face: The most important tip is to wash your face, wash is almost 3 times a day, early morning as soon as you get up. Once in day time and before going to bed.

Exercise: Exercise is one of the best ways to keep your body and skin toned. It releases all the toxins from body and keep you fit and makes you look healthy and young.

Drink Water: Drink water in every 2hr. Water keeps your skin hydrated, pure and free from toxins.

Eat And Drink Healthy: Make a habit of having breakfast and milk in your diet daily. Eat a lot of green vegetables and drink a lot of juices. Take less sugar and salt.

Home Remedies: Don't run to doctor for every small problem, specially when related to skin. Try some proven home remedies like apply olive oil daily to dry areas, eat a tomato daily, apply Aloe Vera on dry areas daily. And most important before going to bed apply moisturizer daily.

Always remember what you eat reflects your body and skin so eat healthy and look younger and sexy.